JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will build 23 new parks until the end of 2023. DKI Jakarta DPRD Commission D member Justin Adrian Untayana reminded that the construction should not use problematic contractors.
Because, said Justin, Commission D of the DKI DPRD found a number of problems with the performance of contractors contracted by the DKI Provincial Government to carry out infrastructure development.
"Many (developments) were a mess. In fact, yesterday in the discussion of commission D yesterday I reprimanded the Natural Resources Service because the contractor consultants were no longer allowed to be used," Justin told reporters, Wednesday, September 20.
Justin hopes that the City Parks and Forest Service, which has this park construction activity, will pay close attention to and cross out problematic contractors to participate in the auction.
This, continued Justin, had been carried out by the DKI Water Resources Service after receiving a warning from Commission D of the DKI DPRD.
"From the Natural Resources Service, I see that they are okay to blacklist workers in the previous year. I hope it will be followed by the Parks Department that the contractor, which yesterday included its assimilation, its shareholders and staff there must be blacklisted," he said.
Previously, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Parks and Forest Service Bayu Meghantara said that his party would add 23 new parks with a total area of 6.7 hectares by the end of 2023. "This year we built 23 parks with a total area of about six hectares, spread over several areas of East, North, West and South Jakarta," said Bayu on Tuesday, September 19.
Park construction projects, continued Bayu, cost around Rp1 billion to Rp1.2 billion per park. The DKI Provincial Government prioritizes the construction of parks near community settlements. "Everyone has the same rights, including the West Jakarta area which is also densely populated, I want the construction of parks to be around the community," he said. In addition to controlling air quality. The addition of green open space is carried out to increase the capacity of Jakarta's green space, which is currently still at 9 percent. Meanwhile, in Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning, the proportion of green open space is at least 30 percent of the city area.
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