
The figure of Budi Said is in the public spotlight after he won the lawsuit against PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) at the Judicial Review (PK) level. Crazy rich Surabaya won over a gold bullion lawsuit worth 1.1 tons.

The Supreme Court (MA) rejected the PK filed by PT Aneka Tambang against Budi Said. With this decision, Budi Said's lawsuit has permanent legal force or inkracht.

PT Antam had to pay 1.1 tons of compensation with gold bullion to Budi Said. The public is also curious about Budi Said as the crazy rich Surabaya who won the lawsuit against the Inalum BUMN subsidiary.

The figure of Budi Said is often referred to as crazy rich Surabaya. He holds the position of President Director (Managing Director) of PT Tridjaya Kartika Group, namely property developer in Surabaya. This company offers various types of luxury properties, ranging from apartments, housing, to plazas.

One of the properties worked on by Tridjaya Kartika Group is Kertajaya Indah Regency in East Surabaya, Florencia Regency and Taman Indah Regency in Sidoarjo City. The company is also an apartment developer in Surabaya City, namely Puncak Marina, which is located in Margorejo Indah.

Budi Said is also known to have assets in the form of a plaza building or shopping center selling various gadgets, electronic goods, to fashion. The Plaza is located on Jalan Margorejo Indah Utara, Sidosrmo, Wonocolo, Surabaya.

The chronology of Budi Said's lawsuit against PT Antam began when he bought 7 tons of gold in 2018. Budi Said bought Antam's precious metal or gold from Eksi Anggraeni at a lower price because of the discount price.

After being offered by the Antam Boutique Marketing Surabaya (Anggraeni's Effect), Budi was interested and bought it with several terms of payment. However, of the 7 tons of gold purchased, he only received 5.9 tons and there were still less than 1.1 tons that he had not received.

Budi Said, who felt aggrieved in the purchase of gold, then sued PT Antam to the Surabaya District Court (PN) on Friday (7/2/2020), with case number 58 / Pdt.G / 2020 / PN Sby.

There were five parties sued by Budi Said, namely Antam (defendant I), Head of BELM Surabaya I Antam (defendant II), Administrative Staff of BELM Surabaya I Antam (defenst III), General Trading Manufacturing And Service Senior Officer Ahmad Purwanto (defenst IV), and Exi Anggraeni (sustainant V).

The lawsuit has gone through 31 trials and the panel's decision was carried out on January 13, 2022. One of the petitums in the lawsuit asked for compensation in accordance with the fluctuation of the gold value through

Budi initially won at the Surabaya District Court (PN). But he lost at the appeal level. Still wanting to fight for his lawsuit, Budi filed an appeal to the Supreme Court and was finally granted.

However, PT Antam did not just give up, then they submitted. MA rejected the PK from Antam and Budi Said managed to win in their lawsuit after going through a long process.

That is the figure of Budi Said crazy rich Surabaya who won over the lawsuit against PT Antam. Budi Said has the right to receive compensation that must be paid by PT Antam with 1.1 tons of gold bullion or the equivalent of IDR 1.2 trillion.

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