
The Panji Gumilang camp claims that three reporters in the alleged blasphemy case have withdrawn their report. Because, there is already a peace word between them. "From the information of the reporting party, all of them have made peace and then withdrew the report related to the blasphemy case," Hendra Effendy said to reporters quoted on Wednesday, September 20. The three reporting parties who are said to have withdrawn their reports, namely Ihsan Tanjung, Ken Kurniawan, and Ruslan Abdul Gani. Later, continued Hendra, his party and the three reporting parties will provide joint information regarding the revocation of the report. "We convey the information related to the press conference for the continuation of the peace tension, we will do it together at the MUI office," he said. with the decision to withdraw the report by the three reporters, it is hoped that the investigation process of the alleged penistaan case that named Panji Gumilang as a suspect will be stopped. "At least this case can be done or stopped or at SP3," said Hendra. As a reminder, in the case of alleged blasphemy, Panji Gumilang has been named a suspect. In fact, investigators have completed the case files previously returned by the investigating prosecutors because they were not fully complete. Gumilang's test is suspected with layered articles. First, Article 14 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations whose criminal threat is 10 years in prison.

Then, Article 45A paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning ITE with a threat of 6 years in prison. Finally, Panji Gumilang was also charged with Article 156A of the Criminal Code. In this article, the penalty is 5 years in prison.

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