
DENPASAR - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Bali held a citizenship session for 19 foreign nationals (WNA) as a result of mixed marriages that volunteered to become Indonesian citizens (WNI) in Bali.

They underwent a special session with the verification team located in the Nakula room, the Bali Ministry of Law and Human Rights office, led by the Head of the Bali Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Anggiat Napitupulu.

In addition, the verification team also came from immigration, the Bali Police and the Bali Directorate General of Taxes Regional Office.

"The verification team asked several questions regarding the insight of citizenship, taxes and criminal acts," said Anggiat, while chairing the trial, Tuesday, September 19.

A number of questions were asked by the verification team to be answered by all foreigners who attended the trial.

They applied to become Indonesian citizens because they claimed to love Indonesia, besides that because of the customs and very strong Indonesian culture, especially in Bali, which made them unanimous to become Indonesian citizens.

There are 14 applicants born from Indonesian-Japan mixed marriages, 1 Indonesian-Dutch mixed marriage results, 2 Indonesian-France marriage results, 2 Indonesian-Yunani mixed marriage results, and 1 Indonesian-Dutch mixed marriage results.

Anggiat considered it good formally for the 19 foreigners. But later the verifier team will carry out further verification and wait for the completeness of the documents for the citizenship application to be forwarded to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the citizenship trial is regulated in Law Number 12 of 2006 concerning Citizenship which states that citizenship is a procedure for foreigners to obtain citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia through a request.

"The application to become an Indonesian citizen is not only based on Law Number 12 of 2006, concerning citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, but also based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2022 concerning procedures for obtaining, losing, canceling and regaining citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

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