JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo released 140 Polri personnel who are members of the Garuda 5 Minuteska FPU Task Force contingent. This force will carry out the United Nations (UN) peace mission in Central Africa.
"The National Police has again sent the Garuda Contingent of the 5 Minuteska FPU Task Force on a UN peacekeeping mission in Bangui, Central Africa, which was attended by 140 with details of 116 Polki (male police) and 24 policewomen (women police)," said Sigit at the release ceremony at Bhayangkara Field, Police Headquarters, Monday, September 19.
Hundreds of personnel who will be dispatched previously must undergo special training in accordance with UN standards. The goal is to be able to carry out the task well.
"This contingent consists of tough personnel who have gone through the selection and assessment process and are equipped with pre-assuming training according to PPB standards for 7 months," he said.
In addition, in his mandate, Sigit also conveyed that hundreds of personnel carry out peace missions well. Because, the good name and world trust in Indonesia are at stake.
"For this reason, the success of the mission is a fixed price that must be fought for, through this mission colleagues are expected to contribute to the stability of security and conflict resolution at the assignment site and also increase international trust in Indonesia," he said.
Not to forget, the former Kabareskrim advised hundreds of these personnel to maintain solidity with all relevant parties. Thus, all tasks that will be given will run smoothly.
"Keep the cohesiveness and internal solidity of the Garuda contingent FPU Task Force 5 Minuska and synergy with other state contingents, the government, local police, and international organizations so that they can support the implementation of tasks," said Sigit.
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