Head of the Cartenz Peaceful Public Relations Task Force AKBP Bayu Suseno revealed that Brigadier Agung died during a shootout with an armed criminal group (KKB) in Yapimakot Village, Serabakom District, Bintang Mountains Regency, Papua Mountains Province.
The late Briptu Agung is a member of the Brimob Polda of North Sulawesi. He suffered a gunshot wound to his shoulder that penetrated back.
Bayu said the firefight occurred when personnel from the Cartenz Peace Task Force patrolled the area.
"The late Brigadier Agung, who was part of the action task force, died from the injuries he suffered," said AKBP Bayu Suseno when confirmed by ANTARA, Monday, September 18.
Based on reports received from personnel in the field, pursuit of groups is still being carried out.
"It is not certain which group it is because it is still being investigated," said Bayu.
Previously, there was a shootout between members of the TNI/Polri in the Brasa river, Dekai, Yahukimo Regency, Papua Mountains. Five KKB members were killed.
The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, said that after conducting the crime scene, members of the TNI evacuated the five bodies to Dekai Hospital. The evidence that was secured included two magazines, four bullets and personal belongings of the victim.
"All evidence has been secured at the Yahukimo Police for investigation purposes," said Benny in a press statement in Jayapura, Antara, Friday, September 15.
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