JAKARTA - The Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri discussed the abolition of the death penalty when she received a visit from Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo at her residence on Jalan Teuku Umar, Menteng, Central Jakarta, today.
Megawati said she knew Gloria well. Both led the country in the same period, namely in the early 2000s, Megawati in Indonesia and Gloria in the Philippines.
"When I was president, he was also president of the Philippines. So a little bit to miss," added Megawati as quoted by Antara. Megawati said that Gloria's arrival this time was in accordance with her capacity at ICDP which intends to abolish the rules regarding the death penalty.
ICDP is the International Commission Against Death Penality (ICDP). Marzuki Darusman, a senior Indonesian diplomat, was present at the meeting, with Rajiv Narayan.
Both Gloria, Marzuki, and Rajiv are recorded to be active in ICDP.
Regarding the issue of removing the death penalty, Megawati admitted that Indonesia with Pancasila really respects the right to human life. For this reason, Pancasila is also open to ideas that uphold the right to life.
Even so, it must also be understood that in the field or in real conditions, there are several crimes that are very contrary to human rights that need to be considered.
"But in the field it still needs to be considered, because there are cases such as narcotics and human trafficking, not yet many social problems have occurred, for example you killed your wife and children. In my opinion, these cases need more consideration in the field," explained Megawati.
Megawati meant crimes against humanity or extraordinary crimes.
According to Megawati, the laws and regulations in a country regarding extraordinary crimes must also be considered regarding the proposed removal of the death penalty.
"Yes, in the field (must be considered), because it is different in the legislation," he said.
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