
JAKARTA - Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), North Korea's official name, Kim Jong-un said his country believed Russia was carrying out a holy struggle for its sovereignty and security, ensuring Pyongyang supports every decision taken by Kremlin Leader Vladimir Putin.

"Now, Russia is carrying out a holy struggle to protect its country's sovereignty and security while fighting against the hegemonic forces against Russia," Leader Kim said, adding his visit was made at a "special time", as reported by TASS September 13.

Furthermore, the North Korean leader also expressed his full support for Russia's leadership.

"We always support every decision taken by President Putin or the Russian government," he said, emphasizing.

He added that Pyongyang is trying to further develop its relationship with Moscow.

Kim Jong-un arrived in Russia on Tuesday after traveling by train from Pyongyang, before continuing to the Far East to meet with President Putin today.

"I am delighted to meet you," President Putin said while serving as leader Kim's hand while welcoming him at Vostochny Cosmodrome, a modern space launch facility in Russia's Amur region, Russia's Far East.

In response, leader Kim, speaking through an interpreter, thanked President Putin for his invitation and warm welcome.

Asked if the two leaders would talk about getting supplies of weapons from Pyongyang to Moscow, President Putin said they would discuss "all issues".

The meeting of the two leaders attracted global attention, as the United States and its allies suspected talks related to weapons would be Putin and Kim's main agenda.

Separately, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the two countries were cooperating in "sensitive" areas that would not be published, when asked if leaders would discuss weapons, according to the Interfax news agency.

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