Jalan Akses Wisata Tegallalang-Tampaksiring Bali Amblas 50 Meter Bak Ditimpa Meteor, Ini Penyebabnya
Jalan collapsed alias collapsed at tourist access, Tegallalang and Tampaksiring Subdistricts, Gianyar, Bali/DOK Department of Highways, PUPR Office, Gianyar Regency


GIANYAR - Jalan collapsed alias collapsed at tourist access in Tegallalang and Tampaksiring sub-districts, Gianyar, Bali.

Jalan jebol tersebut berada di wilayah Banjar Cebok yang menghubungkan Desa Kedisan, Tegallalang dan Tampaksiring, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali. Dalam video yang viral, jalan tersebut jebol dengan lebar yang cukup luas dan mengrus lahan farm di sebelingnya.

Head of Highways Division of the Gianyar Regency PUPR Office, Made Gede Astawiguna, said the road was broken this morning.

"It broke down on the road this morning. We immediately confirmed to the field and the investigation, we are still calculating the structure that makes it possible to handle the road," said Astawuna, Wednesday, September 13.

Meanwhile, the width of the road collapsed more than 30 meters with a depth of 50 meters after the landslide.

"If the width of the collapse is more than 30 meters, we will measure the depth of more than 50 meters," he added.

Actually, the road has been seen to be eroded since December 2022. The road collapsed this morning.

"It had collapsed slightly from December (2022) but as of today it suddenly collapsed like that, and suddenly went wide like that and collapsed," said Astawuna.

The cause of the road was broken because the land in the area was unstable and on the side of the road there was also an irrigation tunnel. In addition, the contour area is bumpy and there is a ravine that is not so deep.

"Because the land is indeed unstable there. Besides there is also an irrigation tunnel there. The contour of the area is indeed bumpy, there are rather deep ravines," he said.

Residents of Kedisan Village are not isolated because there are several alternative roads that can be passed. While road access is closed.

"Given the unstable soil and is advised not to pass through the area there," he said.

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