
JATENG - The Batang Regency Government (Pemkab) dismantled 60 dimly lit stalls at a number of points on the Pantura Kandeman road. The demolition was due to illegal land placement and was suspected of prostitution.

Head of the Regional Regulation Enforcement Division of the Batang Regency Satpol PP Muhammad Masqon said his party had conducted socialization to residents of stalls located on land owned by the Central Java National Road I Implementation Center (Central Java) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

"In addition to dim stalls that seem shabby, there we have also found several liquor sellers and violated local regulations because they were suspected of being places of prostitution," he said in Batang, Central Java, Wednesday, September 13, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, before the demolition was carried out, his party had conducted socialization by meeting with shop residents as well as attaching pamphlets containing the demolition of the shop on September 13, 2023.

"We have given the shop residents the opportunity to dismantle their own buildings no later than 12 September 2023. However, in fact, to this day there are also some that have not been dismantled so we are dismantling them," he said.

Resident of dim stall Nisa (30) admitted that she had rented the shop for 4 years to sell coffee and food drinks.

"I only signed for the previous shop. I only sell coffee and food," said the middle-aged woman whose hair was painted red while packing the items in her shop.

In the demolition of the dim stall building, it involved a joint team from the Satpol PP, Batang Resort Police, Kodim 0736/Batang, Social Service, Political National Unity, Kandeman District Government.

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