
Polres Singkawang, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) arrested six perpetrators of violent crimes in Singkawang City.

"The violent crime incident had gone viral on social media Facebook. The six perpetrators who were arrested, one of them was a minor," said Singkawang Police Deputy Chief, Commissioner Indra Asrianto, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 12.

According to him, the incident of a criminal act of violence involved two groups of teenagers.

The incident took place in two locations, namely on Jalan Abadi (first location) and at a coffee shop on Jalan Pulau Belitung which is located not far from Harapan Bersama Hospital (second location).

"Based on the investigation, it is possible that the number of suspects will increase, where Singkawang Police investigators continue to strive to obtain more detailed information so that the handling of this case can run well and can be accounted for," he said.

In addition to securing the six suspects, his party also helped secure evidence of sharp weapons used by the perpetrators such as sickles and machetes.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Singkawang Police, IPTU Dedi Sitepu, said that the incident of a violent crime that ended in a stabbing and had gone viral on social media was a series of events that were the first at the location of Jalan Abadi.

From the results of the investigation, if the incident was based on revenge. "They mocked each other, so a fight broke out," he said.

From that incident, each location found one victim. "For the first location, the victim has just left Abdul Aziz Hospital Singkawang. Meanwhile, in the second location, the victim is still undergoing treatment at Harapan Bersama Hospital," he said.

The perpetrators will be subject to Article 170 and/or Article 351 of the Criminal Code, then considering that the victim is still a minor, the perpetrator will be subject to the Child Protection Law, namely Article 80 Number 35 of 2014 with a penalty of more than five years in prison.

To the other perpetrators, he hopes to surrender to the police.

"I remind you of this, because if you look at the video that has gone viral on social media, there are more than six perpetrators," he said.

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