
Bandung Police officers arrested nine suspected members of a motorcycle gang in the case of a viral beating against a resident on Jalan Rancaek-Majalaya, Bandung Regency, West Java on Saturday (9/9).

Bandung Police Chief Kombes Kusworo Wibowo said that the nine members of the motorcycle gang were initially gathered while drinking liquor (alcohol).

"Then when drinking alcohol, there were people passing by, then throwing empty bottles at the nine teenagers," said Kusworo when revealing the case in Solokanjeruk, Bandung Regency, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 12.

He said that at the time of the incident the perpetrators did not accept it, which finally the nine members of the motorcycle gang chased a resident who was suspected of throwing bottles at them.

After being chased, the suspects immediately stopped the driver suspected of throwing the bottle followed by a beating on the victim using a baseball bat.

"Because it is suspected that the victim was the one who threw it, even though it was the wrong target, these nine motorized teenagers immediately overtook and stopped the motorized vehicle and carried out violence together using a baseball stick," he said.

Kusworo said the perpetrator was a member of the 133 XTC motorcycle gang, a fraction of those who had changed to mass organizations, where XTC 133 still wanted to become a motorcycle gang.

The nine suspects, one of whom is an adult and eight are still students.

For their actions, the suspects were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code, namely the beating or committing violence together with the threat of a sentence of five years and eight months in prison.

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