
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said that the government distributes around 210 thousand tons of rice aid to the community every month in an effort to reduce the impact of the El Nino phenomenon.

"Starting September 1, 2023, I have ordered to provide rice food assistance to the community. Every month approximately 210 thousand tons are issued by Bulog for food assistance," he said while checking rice stocks at Bulog's warehouse in Bogor, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 11.

The President said that Bulog's warehouse in the Dramaga area, Bogor Regency, has a rice supply of around two million tons, with details of 1.6 million tons of rice already in the warehouse and 400 thousand tons of rice still in the process of being delivered.

"Usually our stock is only 1.2 million tons, normal. We have two million tons, so we don't have to worry," he said.

He said that Bulog continued efforts to provide rice from September, October, to November 2023 to meet the needs of the community.

The President has visited Bulog rice warehouses in Bogor, Jakarta, and other areas to check rice supplies, ensuring the adequacy of rice stocks for the community.

"These are all countries experiencing drought, El Nino, including Indonesia. Even though there are only a few provinces, only seven provinces are in us," he said.

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