
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin received the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the Republic of Indonesia Faisal bin Abdullah Al-Amudi at the Vice President's Private Residence, An-Nawawi Tanara Islamic Boarding School (Penata), Serang, Banten, today. During the meeting, the Vice President and the Arab Ambassador discussed plans for cooperation in the development of the education sector, namely the Fiqih School of Science, Sheikh Nawawi Tanara (STIF Syentra), becoming the University of An-Nawawi Al-Bantani. "We took the name Syekh Nawawi (for educational institutions) because he was born here (Tanara),” said the Vice President to the Arab Ambassador, as stated in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, September 10. Ma'ruf explained that Sheikh Nawawi continued his education and taught in Makkah. Syakh Nawawi died in Makkah and was buried at the Al-Ma’la Cemetery, Makkah. The vice president added that Sheikh Nawawi also composed various titles, not only in Saudi Arabia but also in Indonesia, which amounted to around 100 books using Arabic, such as Fiqih, Aqidah, Tafsir, and also gave birth to Muslim figures who founded Islamic organizations in Indonesia. “ Many of his students include the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama Syekh Hasyim Asy'ari, the founder of Muhammadiyyah Sheikh Ahmad Dahlan, the founder of Tarbiyah Islamiyah Syekh Usman Ar-Rusli, and many more, ” explained the Vice President. From this history, the Vice President emphasized that there is a separate closeness between Tanara, the place where Sheikh Nawawi was born to Saudi Arabia. As an effort to develop the knowledge passed down by Sheikh Nawawi to Muslims in Indonesia, the Vice President revealed that Penata, from the level of Ibtidayyah, Tsanawiyayah, and Aliyah. In addition, a Syentra STIF was also built, so that later fiqih-fiqih Indonesian experts such as Sheikh Nawawi will be born. He explained, in order to face global challenges, where Muslim scholars are required not only to be able to master religious knowledge, but also other general sciences, Syentra's STIF expands into a university that will later have 6 faculties, namely the Faculty of Law and Sharia, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachering, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Health Sciences, and Faculty of Science and Technology. "We will develop it to Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani University. The location is very close from here," said the Vice President. This education development cooperation plan was discussed earlier when Ambassador Faisal met with the Vice President at the Vice President's Official Residence, in Jakarta, Monday (28/8). As for the meeting in Tanara, Ambassador Faisal expressed his desire for the Vice President to visit and collaborate with Penata. " “ And I have promised in front of His Excellency the Vice President to visit this (Order) location, and today I visited my promise," said Ambassador Faisal. He stressed that what was conveyed at the meeting would be the concern of the Saudi Arabian government. "And everything that was said and expected will really get attention," said the Ambassador. After the meeting, the Vice President and the Arab Ambassador conducted a review of the area to be built by Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani University, which is located about 800 meters from Penata. The university area is set up around 10 ha, with the land to be built around 6 ha. During the review, the Arab Ambassador expressed his highest appreciation to the Vice President. He also invited the Vice President to come to Saudi Arabia and stay at his residence. “God willing, the Vice President will be our guests at our house, in our dates garden. We will not allow later when the Vice President makes a visit to the Holy City of Medina, I will not allow except (stay) at my place. Not allowed at the hotel, not anywhere,” said the Ambassador. " “ Dan Ini benar, ini janji saya, hati kami dan rumah kami terbuka untuk Mulia Pak Wakil Presiden,” ujarnya.
Present to accompany the Vice President on this occasion, the Head of the Vice Presidential Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Administration Sapto Harjono Wahjoe Sedjati, Special Staff of the Vice President Mohamad Nasir, Robikin Emhas and Masduki Baidlowi.

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