The Riau Islands Regional Police (Polda) established a health post for residents of Pulau Rempang, Batam City who wanted to conduct a health check.
The establishment of this health post shortly from dozens of students became victims due to tear gas shot by members of the police during the riots occurred on the island of Rempang. "We held this activity for two days, starting from Saturday (9 September) yesterday until today. Activities are not only focused on the community, but also on TNI/Polri personnel who are carrying out security tasks on the island," said Head of the Riau Islands Police, Kombes Pol. Muhammad Haris in Batam Kepri, Sunday 10 September, was confiscated by Antara. This activity received a public welcome because it made it easier for residents to get good health services. The results of this health service include various aspects of health, namely, health checks, general treatment, simple laboratory examinations to measure cholesterol, blood sugar, and gout acid levels. "We also provide health counseling to residents who come, in order to increase awareness of the importance of maintaining health. We also distribute medicines and vitamins in order to provide benefits in maintaining public health," he said.
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