
South LaMPUNG - Fire and Rescue Service (Damkarmat) officers of South Lampung Regency managed to extinguish a land fire in the Ketang Beach area, Kalianda District.

"The fire that occurred in the Ketang Beach area has been going on since the afternoon," said Head of the Fire Department at the South Lampung Damkarmat Service, Rully Fikriansyah, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, September 8.

His party had difficulty overcoming the land fire, because the conditions at the scene contained strong winds and dry grass which resulted in flammable.

"Currently there is a blackout and cooling, thank God the fire has been reduced," he said.

He explained, at around 20.50 WIB, the fire was successfully extinguished. Currently, firefighters are cooling down the area where the incident occurred.

There is no explanation how much land the fire experienced.

For this incident, he appealed to the public to increase awareness of the potential for forest and land fires (karhutla) during the dry season in the area.

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