Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD asked law enforcement officials to deal with crowds according to standards. They were also asked to prioritize humanity.
This was conveyed by Mahfud in response to clashes between the police and residents on Pulau Rempang-Galang, Batam, Riau Islands. As a result of the incident there were dozens of students who became victims because officers fired tear gas. The National Police separately denied the existence of student victims.
"We legally ask law enforcement officials to deal with the issue of crowds of people or demonstrations or hindering the execution of the right to law so that it is handled properly and fully humanely," Mahfud told reporters in Jakarta, Friday, September 8.
"There are already standards. It is a matter of government action and actions by the authorities so that the Police are careful," he continued.
Even so, Mahfud said all parties must see the complete conflict. This is because the incident began because the public did not know the state owned land that had been given the right of use to the company.
However, the land turned out to be occupied by residents of around the three investors who came there. "This land clearing process is now a source of commotion. It is not the right to land, it is not the right to use its business. No," said Mahfud.
Previously, joint officers from the National Police, TNI, Ditpam of the Batam Concession Agency (BP), and Satpol PP were involved in clashes with residents of Rempang who were guarding the measurement process on Thursday.
The commotion broke out when joint officers arrived at the location. The commotion was triggered because residents still did not agree with the development of the area, which is a traditional village of the Malay people. As a result of the commotion, officers were forced to fire tear gas because of the unfavorable situation.
"There were dozens of students who I knew were taken by ambulances to the hospital for treatment. The tear gas was carried away by the wind, because it was noisy near our school," said Principal of SMP Negeri 22 Muhammad Nazib when met at the location.
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