The Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes in North Sumatra I (Kanwil DJP North Sumatra I) through the Medan Petisah Pratama Tax Service Office (KPP) conducted law enforcement activities in the form of confiscation of tax arrears worth IDR 1.73 billion.
"KKP Pratama Medan Petisah blocked and confiscated taxpayer accounts by carrying out the active collection action which was carried out on tax arrears with the initials CV AAE office," said Head of Counseling, Services, and Public Relations of the North Sumatra DGT Regional Office I Bismar Fahleie as reported by ANTARA, Friday, September 8.
He said the confiscation of the account amounting to RP102.55 million was caused by CV AAE which did not pay off tax arrears of Rp1.73 billion in accordance with the stipulated period.
"The confiscated execution was carried out by the State Tax Confiscation Officer (JSPN) at the bank of storing assets of taxpayers in Tanjung Rejo Village, Medan Sunggal District, Medan City, Tuesday (5/9)," said Bismar.
Prior to this confiscation, according to Bismar, a persuasive approach had been taken for taxpayers to pay off tax debts according to the specified period.
In accordance with Article 12 of Law (UU) Number 19 of 1997 concerning Tax Collection with a Forced Letter as amended lastly by Law Number 19 of 2000, if within 2x24 hours after the notification of the taxpayer's forced letter does not have good faith to pay off the debt, then JSPN will confiscate confiscated assets.
"The confiscation action is proof of the seriousness of the work unit within the North Sumatra DGT Regional Office in enforcing the law in the field of taxation," he said.
Bismar said this step is a form of partiality and creates a sense of justice for taxpayers who have complied.
"That the confiscation of tax arrears can provide awareness for taxpayers to always comply with tax obligations," he said.
The North Sumatra DGT Regional Office I is implementing the development of an Integrity Zone towards a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM). For this reason, his party asks for support and cooperation from all stakeholders, so that this can be realized properly.
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