The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Bogor Regency, West Java, intervened regarding the water of residents' wells in Pengasinan Village, Gunung Sindur, allegedly mixed with fuel oil (BBM).
Head of Bogor Regency Satpol PP, Rhama Kodara, explained that his party went to the location to mediate between residents who owned the well and the Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU), which allegedly leaked the fuel storage tank.
"The operational management of the gas station has received representatives of affected residents and will conduct a technical study in the near future regarding the alleged leak of the tank well belonging to the gas station," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, September 7.
According to Rhama, the affected resident named Rizky asked the gas station management to immediately resolve the problem of the alleged leak, so that it would not become a protracted incident.
"The enforcement of the Bogor Regency Satpol PP continues to review the houses of the affected parties, Mr. Rizky and at that location it was found that the well water had been mixed with suspected fuel oil," said Rhama.
The Bogor Regency Satpol PP together with the Gunung Sindur District Leadership Deliberation (Muspika) also appealed to the gas station to immediately vacate the oil tank which was suspected of being leaked.
"Saving the existing gas station oil is waiting for further studies and instructions. Activities are safe and conducive," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Gunung Sindur Dace Hatomi said that the pollution of the residents' wells by fuel had been complained about since seven years ago.
According to him, the water is really mixed with fuel like today, residents' well water is often complained about because it emits a smell like gasoline.
"At that time the laboratory results were still feasible, only the smell, so drinking needs were still bought. Previously, it had also been communicated. Now it looks, there should also be compensation for the affected residents," said Dace.
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