BANTUL - The Environmental Service (DLH) of Bantul Regency admitted that they needed synergy from various parties to smooth out the waste management plan to be completed at the village level.
Head of DLH Bantul Ari Budi Nugroho said the synergy of the district government (Pemkab) in dealing with waste problems was by cooperating with Baznas Bantul to provide composite barrels assistance to the manager of the 3R Waste Management Site (TPS) in Bangunharjo Village.
"This shows that there is synergy, the role of various parties, because the waste problem is not only resolved by one party, in this case the government, especially DLH. However, synergy and commitment of various parties are needed," he said in Bantul, Thursday, September 7, which was confiscated by Antara.
If various related parties synergize with the regional government (Pemda), he continued, anything will become a lot and bring great benefits.
If the urban village moves, then the local government itself will also move, he said, then in the future the problems that are currently emerging, especially garbage, can be decomposed and can be resolved.
"Especially if you look at the activity in the community, everything is moving. Then the commitment from the urban village is quite high, we believe slowly but surely, garbage must be handled, but it is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand," he said.
He also hopes that various parties and elements of society will provide support in overcoming waste problems, so that people are more alert and serious in managing waste. At least be responsible for waste itself.
"Let's work together to solve the waste problem. The point is that everyone in the community, because even at the office we also sort it out, because whoever produces the garbage must be responsible for the waste, at least reduce it," he said.
He said how to reduce waste so as not to accumulate in waste disposal sites, including by sorting it out, so that the goods can be sold, handicrafts are made. He hopes that the culture of sorting waste in the community must continue to be moved.
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