
JAKARTA - The Pentagon on Wednesday announced a new security assistance package worth up to $175 million for Ukraine, including uranium ammunition for the Abrams tank, the first time the United States has delivered the controversial armor-piercing ammunition to Kyiv.

In addition to the uranium munitions, the US Department of Defense said military assistance would also include anti-armor systems, tactical air navigation systems and additional ammunition for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).

The announcement coincided with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to Kyiv, in a gesture of support as Ukraine's counteroffensive against Russian occupying forces enters its fourth month.

The USD 175 million in aid is part of a total of more than USD 1 billion in aid announced by Foreign Minister Blinken in the Ukrainian capital.

This assistance also includes more than $665 million in new military and civil security assistance, as well as millions of dollars for support for Ukraine's air defense and other areas.

"This new assistance will help maintain it and build further momentum," said Foreign Minister Blinken, as quoted by Reuters on September 7.

Although Britain sent uranium munitions to Ukraine earlier this year, this will be the first US shipment of munitions and is likely to generate controversy.

Earlier, Washington announced it would send cluster munitions to Ukraine, despite fears of harm to civilians by the weapons.

It is known, the use of depleted uranium munitions has been hotly debated. The International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons says there are serious health risks from ingesting or inhaling depleted uranium dust, including cancer and birth defects.

Separately, responding to this, the Russian Embassy in Washington denounced the decision as "an indicator of inhumanity", adding "The United States is deluding itself by refusing to accept the failure of Ukraine's military counteroffensive."

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