
Depok City Education Office (Disdik) has prepared itself if it has to implement a distance learning system (PJJ) because of poor air quality in the area. This of course refers to the instructions of the Mayor of Depok (Inwal) issued some time ago.

As is known, this adjustment of the distance learning system is also listed in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs number 2 of 2023 concerning Control of Air Pollution in the Jabodetabek Region.

However, the school has yet to find directions from the relevant agencies regarding the system. One of the Principals of Sukamaju Dua State School, Erlin Erliani, said that his party had not yet received instructions from the service to implement the system.

"Yes, we are still doing face-to-face learning, why is that? Because we have not received directions from the education office to implement a distance learning system," he said, Wednesday, September 6.

The Head of the Depok City Education Office, Siti Chaerijah, said the same thing. He emphasized that currently there has been no decision to implement distance learning (PJJ).

His party will coordinate and have a meeting with the school to discuss the readiness of PJJ.

"We are still communicating with schools, if the WFH is implemented at 30 percent. This is me who is a bit difficult for the schedule. We are also waiting for readiness from school, what kind of decision from school," he said.

However, his party allows if there are private schools that will implement PJJ. As long as the school is ready. However, the school must continue to coordinate with parents and committees.

"The point is, for example, private schools want PJJ, we still allow it, because we submit school-based management for the arrangement, it is arranged in such a way. Schools must be prepared with this, schools must communicate with school committees as well as parents," he said.

Until now, schools in Depok are still implementing a face-to-face system. PJJ said he was enforced if the school had stated readiness.

"So the conditions must be really ready for PJJ. So all this time still face-to-face, most of them are still face-to-face. This is still being carried out until the mayor's instructions are enforced," he said.

For Depok City, he continued, based on a circular letter from the Ministry of Education and Culture, face-to-face learning is still prioritized. For PJJ, it must be scheduled for the available teachers.

"The condition of the teacher is different, the teacher schedule is different every day. Well, 30 percent of this regulates schools that have to reschedule. Actually, it depends on the school schedule, because the circular from the Ministry of Education and Culture is also related to the ASEAN Summit for Depok, it is still prioritized face-to-face meetings," he concluded.

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