
SULTRA - The Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has appealed to protesters not to obstruct the investigation into the alleged corruption of nickel mining in North Konawe Regency.

Assistant for Intelligence at the Southeast Sulawesi Attorney General's Office, Ade Hermawan, said that 13 people from various parties had been named as suspects in the mining corruption case.

"That currently investigators have named 13 suspects from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the company, the provider of flying documents, and the person concerned has been detained by the detention center," Hermawan said in an official statement, Wednesday, September 6, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that detention at the investigation level was limited by law, and if the time was passed, the suspect must be issued for the sake of law.

"Currently, investigators are focused on completing the evidence and compiling the files of the suspects to be transferred to prosecution," he said.

In this regard, said Hermawan, his party asked all elements of society who wish to express their aspirations to examine or investigate other parties, in order to find out that the witness examination depends on the need for an investigation in proving the case.

"And law enforcement should not be influenced by political interests, business, and other interests. In connection with the above description, we respectfully request elements of society who wish to express opinions to be conveyed through the PTSP (integrated one-stop service) of the High Prosecutor's Office," he said.

He also revealed that the filing and delegation of 13 files of suspected mining corruption cases handled by the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office did not mean that other parties involved were free from the legal process.

"Because we will still explain their role in the case file as we did in the legal process of the Alfamidi licensing corruption case," he said.

He emphasized that he would take legal proceedings against individuals who carried out anarchic actions and hinder the investigation handled by the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office, as well as carry out damage, including those who were the masterminds or financing the action.

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