JAKARTA - It is tragic the fate of a girl with the initials B (15). She became a victim of her stepfather's lust in the Pulomas area, East Jakarta. The police said that the perpetrator was a clothing trader in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.
The perpetrator carried out his depraved act from his son to 6th grade elementary to junior high school. The victim did not remember how many times the perpetrator molested him.
"The child is a student Hafiz Al-Quran. The depraved act was carried out at the perpetrator's house in the Pulomas area. The victim lives with her biological mother and stepfather," Muhammad Ari as the victim B's lawyer told VOI, Monday, September 4.
Ari said, currently the child (victim) is already in junior high school. The act was carried out when his biological mother was not at home.
"According to the child (victim), he was only forced and threatened (perpetrators) not to tell anyone. But if the lure of money and others are not there," he said.
It was later discovered that the perpetrator with the initials GN (40) was a clothing entrepreneur in the Tanah Abang area.
"The perpetrator is an entrepreneur, he trades clothes in Tanah Abang," he said.
Previously, it was reported that the East Jakarta Metro Police had not arrested the stepfather of the perpetrator of sexual abuse of a victim with the initials B, a junior high school student.
Even though the molestation case has been reported by the victim's parents, initials AA, to the East Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters with the number LP B/1285/V/2023/SPKT/RES.JAKTIM/PMJ. dated May 16, 2023.
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