
Pomdam Jaya is still investigating the motive for the kidnapping and murder carried out by three TNI personnel against Imam Masykur, a man from Aceh who works at the cosmetic shop Jalan Sandratex, Ciputat, South Tangerang (Tangsel).

Komandan Pomdam Jaya, Kolonel Cpm Irsyad Hamdie Anwar mengatakan, pihaknya terus melakukan pengembangan kasus ini untuk mengetahui motif pelaku melakukan demikian.

"We are still developing the motive and others," said Irsyad at Pomdam Jaya, Friday, September 1.

In more detail, the investigation of the case was carried out to determine the application of the articles against the three TNI personnel.

"So I ask the community, the press, please be patient, we will continue to explore, including later the application of articles and so on," he said.

As previously reported, Saturday, August 12 afternoon, Imam Masykur and a relative with the initials H were kidnapped while guarding a shop on Jl Sandratex, East Ciputat, South Tangerang. The victim was handcuffed and forcibly put into the car like the perpetrator of the crime.

The three perpetrators came to the shop, dragged Imam roughly and put him in the car. According to local residents' witnesses, one of the perpetrators admitted to being from the police.

Relatives of Imam who were also transported by the kidnappers were later taken down on the Cikeas toll road because their health conditions made the perpetrators worried.

In the evening, Fauziah, the victim's mother, received the kidnapped Imam Masykur's call. In the conversation, the perpetrator asked for a ransom of Rp. 50 million. If not sent, Imam will be killed.

The family finally reported the kidnapping to Polda Metro Jaya because the victim's cellphone could no longer be contacted, as well as no more news from the kidnappers. The family is worried that something will happen to Imam Masykur.

Sure enough, on Tuesday (15 August) Imam Masykur was found dead floating in the Karawang River, West Java.

Polda Metro Jaya officers moved to trace the victim's movement through cellphone numbers to members of Paspampres and two fellow members of the TNI were caught and admitted their actions.

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