
Polda Metro Jaya and Korlantas Polri will discuss the discourse of emission testing as one of the requirements for the distribution of Vehicle Registration Certificates (STNK). Because, there must be a legal umbrella to realize this.

"Oh that's later, because in the requirements for the extension of the STNK there must also be provisions," said Wadirlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Doni Hermawan to reporters, Friday, September 1.

According to him, forming a policy is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Several stages such as determining the legal basis to the level of urgency must be carried out.

Therefore, Polda Metro Jaya will later discuss with Korlantas Polri to determine steps related to the discourse.

"It will be discussed with the Korlantas Polri as a traffic police coach with the national level Samsat coach how to accommodate it as a condition in a rule and discuss it later," said Doni.

Meteri Lingkungan Hidup serta Kehutanan Siti Nurbaya Bakar menyebut uji emisi bakal jadi persyaratan perpanjangan STNK, apabila kendaraan tidak pass uji emisi hingga bakal dikenakan denda.

The implementation of this emission test is integrated for motor vehicle owners, this emission test will also be an obligation for the extension of the STNK.

The Minister of Environment and Forestry and his group together with the police made a feature for vehicles that had passed the emission test, where later stickers would be made on vehicles.

The emission test has also become a requirement for payment of the Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) which is regulated in Article 206 of Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Processing.

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