
MAKASSAR - A man with the initials UP (63) and his biological daughter IN (25) in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, were arrested by the police for distributing methamphetamine weighing approximately 2 kilograms. The methamphetamine came from Malaysia, which entered Indonesia via East Kalimantan and then crossed into Sulawesi.

"The alleged perpetrator is two people. The crime scene is on Jalan Pelita Barat. The female perpetrator is the daughter of the male perpetrator," said Deputy Director of Drug Investigation at the South Sulawesi Police, AKBP Ardiansyah, Friday, September 1.

This arrest began when officers from the Drug Investigation Directorate of the South Sulawesi Police arrested one of the women who was a drug dealer of methamphetamine at her home in Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi.

The suspect, who did not move when he was arrested, then showed evidence in the form of one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine was still in the form of a white crystal grain hidden in his home cupboard.

From this finding, the police then developed and arrested another methamphetamine dealer not far from the location of the first arrest. The two perpetrators were then taken to the South Sulawesi Police Headquarters, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Tamalanrea District, Makassar, to undergo further investigation.

"Evidence of two plastic packages containing methamphetamine-type narcotics weighing 1,942 grams or approximately 2 kilograms," he explained.

The arrests of the two suspects began with public reports about the rampant transactions and distribution of methamphetamine in the Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi. The officers then carried out an undercover buy and then ordered the illicit goods. When making the transaction, the perpetrator was immediately arrested by the police until finally two kilograms of crystal methamphetamine was confiscated.

The police are also still hunting for another perpetrator with the initials MS who acts as a methamphetamine dealer who lives in North Kalimantan and is now on the wanted list (DPO).

"The appointment submitted by the two perpetrators was that the DPO bought methamphetamine from the Malaysian network," he said.

Two suspects were charged with Article 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 of the Narcotics Law with a minimum threat of more than six years in prison or life imprisonment and even the death penalty.

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