
JAKARTA - A retail gasoline stall and a tire patch on the side of Jalan Matraman Raya, to be precise next to the Berlan gas station, Kebon Manggis Village, Matraman District, East Jakarta was engulfed by a red rooster. In addition to small clumps, one motorbike was also burned.

Luckily, the fire was successfully extinguished by firefighters from the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. who arrived at the fire site. The fire can be controlled before spreading to the gas station which is right next to the location of the fire.

"We have deployed 10 units of cars with 50 personnel to extinguish the fire at the fire site. Officers extinguish the fire starting at 13.08 WIB," said Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman when confirmed by reporters, Wednesday, August 30.

Based on the officer's statement, the cause of the fire was the spirtus for a motorcycle tire patch beside the Berlan gas station.

"The fire was caused by a tire patch spirtus. Initially the Thunder motorcycle with the number B 6446 SHA was filling retail gasoline into liter bottles. However, gasoline overflowed and spilled over the fire in the tire patch spirtus, causing the fire to ignite and spread," he said.

Luckily, the fire was extinguished a few minutes later. The fire was extinguished at 13.15 WIB before spreading to the gas station area.

"The object that caught fire was only a motorbike belonging to Irvan (35) and a tire stall belonging to Soleh (54). The loss was IDR 6 million. There were no casualties and injuries," he said.

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