BOGOR - The City Government of Bogor, West Java has assigned all sub-district heads and village heads to conduct patrols to monitor that the ban on residents burning garbage in their areas is carried out properly to reduce air pollution.
Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto said the instructions issued at the end of last week to the sub-district and village heads had begun their duties to supervise residents not to burn trash carelessly.
"According to the data, residents burn garbage and burn tires for the wire to be one of the contributors to pollution in Bogor City. I have asked the sub-district and village heads to conduct patrols," said Bima Arya, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 28.
Bima said that based on the report, there were several areas in Bogor City, which were identified as places where some residents used to burn trash and tires.
The assignment to the six sub-district heads and 68 lurah as well as an appeal to the residents was contained in the mayor's instruction number 440/4311-Huk.HAM for 2023 concerning air pollution control in the City of Bogor area which was issued on Friday (28/8).
This instruction is derived from Inmendagri) number 2 of 2023 concerning Air Pollution Control in the Jabodetabek area.
This Inmendagri contains several main things that need to be done by Regional Heads, both the Governor of DKI Jakarta, the Governor of West Java and the Governor of Banten as well as Regents/Mayors throughout Greater Jakarta, including a hybrid work system, restrictions on motorized vehicles, improving public transportation services, tightening emission tests, optimizing use masks, controlling environmental emissions and implementing green solutions, as well as controlling industrial waste management.
Data released by the Bogor City Government in collaboration with IPB researchers through websites and other information services is the level of air pollution or a pollutant meter (PM) of 2.5 microns on Monday (28/8) at 7.00 a.m. Western Indonesian Time (WIB), which is 85, which means it is moderate and can still be acceptable to human, animal and plant health.
Therefore, Bima asked for the cooperation of sub-district heads and village heads to identify points that have been seen so far as sources of pollution.
Residents are encouraged to participate in maintaining and monitoring air quality in Bogor City by monitoring air quality level data on government information service channels.
"The sub-district head and village head will immediately patrol the area to socialize, educate, take action on residents who are still burning tires or burning trash," he said.
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