
A total of 11 foreign nationals (WNA) from India were secured in Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

Head of the Baubau Class II Immigration Office, Teguh Santoso, said the 11 foreigners were arrested after his party received information from the public regarding foreigners on the coast of Walompo Village, Siepakuna District, Buton Regency.

"Initially, at 5 am I received a report from the Head of Ops that at the Sampoabalo Police, the Buton Police had found foreign nationals and were secured at the Polsek, then we coordinated with the police," he said in Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi, Friday, August 25, confiscated by Antara.

The foreigner was then taken to Baubau Immigration for further checks. In detail, 10 men and a woman.

"So the 11 foreigners after we checked there were 6 people who had overstayed, 2 people did not have documents, and 3 other documents still apply with visiting status," he said.

From the results of the examination, Teguh explained that the foreigner from India initially departed from his country to Indonesia via Jakarta.

Then they went to Kendari further to Baubau by sea. Information was found that the 11 Indian foreigners were also going to Wakatobi after going from Baubau.

"So, we can't confirm whether the victim is a fraud or what, we are still conducting further investigations," he said.

Teguh said, after the results of the examination, his party contacted the Indian Embassy who claimed to be giving a number of sanctions to its citizens.

Sampoabalo Police Chief Iptu Al Muhalid added that the police secured the 11 Indian foreigners after receiving information from residents of the coast of Walompo Village on Thursday, August 24 evening.

"After we checked with the TKP, then we reported to the leadership how the next process was. Then we coordinated with the Immigration Office for further handling," he said.

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