
JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) noted that a number of areas of West Java (West Java), Central Java (Central Java), and East Java (East Java) were hit by drought due to the long dry season.

Acting Head of BNPB Disaster Data and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said tens of thousands of families in these three provinces needed clean water supplies.

In West Java Province, a dry hydrometeorological disaster was experienced by 28 sub-districts spread across 11 districts. A total of 19,464 families need clean water assistance.

"The areas affected by drought include Bogor, Bekasi, Sukabumi, West Bandung, Garut, Cirebon, Subang, Ciamis, Majalengka, Karawang and Pangandaran Regencies," said Abdul Muhari in his statement, Friday, August 25.

The most sub-districts experienced drought in Bogor Regency with a total of 13 sub-districts.

"The thirteen sub-districts affected by drought in Bogor Regency are Jasinga, Citeureup, Babakan Madang, Jonggol, Rancabung, Ciseeng, Cibungbulang, Sukajaya, Cisarua, Leuwisadeng, Tanjungsari, Cariu and Tenjo sub-districts," he said.

Now, as many as 525,500 liters of clean water have been issued by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to people in drought-affected areas.

In Central Java Province, as many as 4 districts experience drought. The impact of the dry season has been felt by residents since July 2023. The four districts affected by drought are Kendal, Klaten, Temanggung, and Sragen Regencies.

"Data from BPBD Central Java Province stated that 3,320 families or 11,027 people were affected in a number of areas. Each district BPBD has provided clean water assistance to residents. The latest report on Thursday, August 24, states that water needs have been met," he explained.

Meanwhile in East Java Province, drought hit Jember Regency. The lack of water supply was felt by residents of Pilangan Village, Kalisat District. A total of 247 families in this village were affected by drought.

"The BPBD of Jember Regency has distributed water to residents. In addition, 2 reservoirs to accommodate water assistance. BPBD also distributes liquid soap aid originating from BNPB," he said.

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