Acting Chairperson of PPP Mardiono exposed the contents of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) agreement which was signed by three party leaders, namely former PPP chairman Soeharso Monoarfa, Golkar chairman Airlangga Hartarto and PAN chairman Zulkifli Hasan.
According to Mardiono, this coalition does not need to be dissolved because it does not just choose a presidential and vice presidential candidate.
This was said by Mardiono in response to PPP's relationship with PAN and Golkar after different directions of support for the 2024 presidential election.
It is known, PPP prefers to support Ganjar Pranowo and cooperate with the PDI-P. Meanwhile, Golkar and PAN support Prabowo Subianto's candidacy and join the Gerindra-PKB coalition.
"If there are friends, for example thinking or shops, saying oh PPP this leaves Golkar, no, does not leave Golkar, PAN with Golkar also does not leave PPP," said Mardiono in Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 23.
According to Mardiono, the contents of the coalition agreement at KIB are noble goals to summarize ideas and thoughts that build the concept of national and state development in the future.
"So we don't talk about practical politics just for whose president is from Golkar or PPP or PAN, no, it's not like that. So I call this KIB coalition a noble coalition. Now, is this abandoned? No. Because in the coalition we have agreed that we will not interfere internally with each party," he explained.
Mardiono also denied that KIB had disbanded because the three political parties had different political directions. He considered that political attitudes and choices were a matter of each political party.
"Well, but if then is the coalition disbanded? Every collection of forums or anything that aims to be noble, I don't think it should be disbanded, yes, our people also don't disturb each other," he said.
Mardiono then dismantled the contents of the KIB agreement consisting of six points. First, agreed to build political synergies between the Golkar, PAN and PPP parties in a coalition. The two agreed to integrate all the human resources we have to realize the ideals of the Indonesian nation in accordance with the mandate of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia and the opening of the 1945 Constitution.
"The third agreed to succeed in an honest, fair and open 2024 election to ensure the upholding sovereignty of the Indonesian people," he explained.
Fourth, agreeing to form a political power of the people who aim to win the will of the Indonesian people, this coalition is open to all components of the nation who want to join us in the spirit of Indonesia's good faith for the progress and welfare of the Indonesian people.
"Fifth, agreeing to win the presidential election as a way to realize the welfare of the people in the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia, which has a single diversity," he said.
"The 6th one agrees that the United Indonesia Coalition is carried out with a collegial collective leadership system with leadership mechanisms based on equality and shared aspirations of coalition members for the benefit of the nation and state," he added.
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