
JAKARTA - Minister of Creative Economy/Head of the Creative Economy Agency (Menekraf/Kabekraf) Teuku Riefky Harsya appreciates the Java Festival Production which will hold the Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival.

Menekraf Riefky sees the two-decade annual jazz music event as proof that the creative economy, especially the music sub-sector, has great potential to continue to grow.

"I really appreciate the long journey of jazz music festivals such as the Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival which has been worldwide," said Riefky, in his statement after holding an audience with the organizers at the Pesona Indonesia Film Building, South Jakarta on Thursday, March 20.

"This is one proof that the creative economy, especially the music sub-sector, has the opportunity to continue to develop with exciting collaboration," he continued.

In the hearing, it was discussed about the proposed collaboration of music sub-sectors which are expected to be able to continue to advance to the global arena. He saw that music events such as the Java Jazz Festival could help target job achievement for the young generation of the country with high quality.

"We support and agree to promote music as an effort to revive the creative economy and create quality jobs," said Riefky. Especially in organizing a music festival, many parties are involved.

Meanwhile, Dewi Gontha as President Director of the Java Festival Production said that her party will focus on promoting entertainment in Indonesia through music.

"This year's Java Jazz Festival wants to tell you that many new musicians use jazz to introduce themselves. There are 11 stages and about 115 music performances at the three-day Java Jazz Festival 2025," said Dewi. We have also just launched an official mascot and many other activities that will be prepared to welcome 20 years of Java Jazz Festival.

In addition, the audience also discussed collaborative proposals related to the production of television series and documentation about Indonesia. Cameron Smith as executive producer of the Java Festival Production hopes for support from the Ministry of Creative Economy regarding licensing for documentary programs related to culinary, tourism and culture in Indonesia.

"I want to create a documentary program that tells in-depth about the history of Java Jazz for twenty years with interviews with local and global artists, what is happening behind the scenes, and a variety of Indonesian culture that is lively through music, culinary, hospitality, and cultural tourism experiences from Indonesia," said Smith. We need the support of a letter of recommendation for licensing the location of filming so that the program can be realized.

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