The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminded officials of the Samarinda City Government, East Kalimantan, to prioritize simple life so that they can easily avoid corrupt practices.
"Families will be in trouble if a couple or family is exposed to a corruption case. Everything will be in the public spotlight," said Head of Task Force III of the Directorate of Community Participation Development of the Indonesian KPK, David Sepriwasa in Samarinda, Antara, Wednesday, August 23.
The KPK is very concerned about the rampant corruption cases that have also dragged family members as perpetrators. As of December 2022, the KPK has handled 1,515 perpetrators of corruption, among these cases, family involvement.
"In technical guidance, we provide materials including preventing corruption in the family sector, Opening the Eyes of Open Hearts or reflections between partners, and family building where they explore cohesiveness and seriousness," said David.
The city of Samarinda became the first city in East Kalimantan to participate in the Technical Guidance (Bimtek) of the Family of Integrity, this Bimtek is an initiation from the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
Samarinda Mayor Andi Harun accompanied by his wife Rinda Wahyuni Andi Harun and all officials within the Samarinda City Government (Pemkot) followed the technical guidance.
Andi Harun admits that this bimtek is very useful, considering that there are two conditions that are prone to corruption when it comes to family relations and state administrators.
The two conditions are that the couple from the official is confirmed to participate in carrying out their duties, especially in the field of promotion. Second, lifestyle phenomena that are not proportional to the abilities of their partner.
"The habit of repeatedly a luxurious lifestyle causes a lot of desire. The need for money is getting bigger. So it cannot be fulfilled in a good way," said Andi.
Andi assessed that the role of the family is also very important to build anti-corruption values. If in the family environment the anti-corruption value has been embedded, then officials will be able to pressure themselves not to commit these acts of corruption.
"Through the role of the families of the organizers in the Samarinda City Government, there is more integrity to prevent and eradicate corruption," explained Andi Harun.
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