JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) formed a task force to control air pollution as an effort to deal with air pollution that enveloped the Jabodetabek area. "The scope of work of the task force includes emission tests, daily monitoring of the standard air polluting index (ISPU) and air quality in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi), the possibility of weather modification and coordination and supervision," said LHK Minister Siti Nurbaya in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 17. Siti emphasized that his party will immediately conduct field checks on all elements suspected of having an influence on the deteriorating condition of Jabodetabek quality.
According to him, the determination of the task force for controlling air pollution is in relation to law enforcement on the threshold for vehicle emissions or air pollution quality standards; deep clarification of coal and diesel steam power plants (PLTU), as well as the existence of coal stockpiles. The important task of the task force is to instruct the task force to identify sources of pollution and carry out direct surveillance in the field, provide regional supervision and coordination, and take legal steps if necessary. KLHK does not hesitate to keep the punishment to those who are proven to be polluting to suppress air pollution and improve air quality in Jabodetabek.
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