
JAKARTA - Hundreds of corruptors who are prisoners at the Sukamiskin Penitentiary (Lapas), Bandung City, including Setya Novanto and Imam Nahrawi, received remissions to commemorate the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia at the local prison, Thursday, August 17.

Head of Sukamiskin Prison, Kunrat Kasmiri, said the total number of inmates who received remission there, including Setya Novanto and Imam Nahrawi, was 237, out of 324 inmates as a whole.

"We propose that the granting of remissions for 237 people, the majority of corruption detainees, and Alhamdulillah, the decree has been issued. We convey to all inmates who have fulfilled the requirements according to the law," said Kunrat, as quoted by Antara.

All inmates in Sukamiskin, said Kunrat, only received general remission I or reduced prison terms from one to six months and had to carry out the remaining sentences.

"No inmate gets general remission II or is immediately released after receiving remission. And 237 people get remission, the number of months varies from three months to six months," he said.

Kunrat explained that the 237 people who received the remission in detail were 17 people who received one month remission, two months 38 people remission, three months 152 remission, four months 18 people remission, 5 months five people remission, and six months remission as many as seven inmates.

In the 78th Indonesian Independence Day, a total of 17,016 prisoners spread across various prisons (Lapas) and Detention Centers (Rutan) in West Java received remissions, with hundreds of them being fully remissiond or immediately released.

Of the 17,016, 16,725 inmates received general remission I or reduced detention periods from one to six months, while those who were immediately released or general remission II reached 291 inmates.

All convicts related to cases related to corruption, narcotics, terrorism, illegal fishing, illegal logging, trafficking, and money laundering were given remissions in accordance with Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2006 and PP 99 of 2012.

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