JAKARTA - Secretary of the DKI Jakarta PDIP Regional Leadership Council (DPD) Gembong Warsono said that DKI Jakarta DPRD member Cinta Mega has now been fired from party membership at PDIP.
This is the aftermath of the case of Cinta Mega playing slot gambling in the plenary meeting of the DKI Jakarta DPRD some time ago. Before being fired from party cadres, Cinta Mega was also proposed to be removed from the position of a member of the DKI DPRD.
Gembong said this refers to the decision letter of the PDIP Central Leadership Council (DPP) which was sent to the DKI PDIP DPD on Monday, August 14.
"The DPP has issued a decision to dismiss Mrs. Cinta Mega and Mrs. Cinta Mega is no longer allowed to carry out activities on behalf of the PDI-P," Gembong told reporters, Wednesday, August 16.
Furthermore, the PDIP DPP will issue a proposal for an interim replacement (PAW) of Cinta Mega with other PDIP cadres who will replace him as a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PDIP faction.
In the process, PDIP initially sent a letter of proposal for PAW Cinta Mega to the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. The chairman of the DPRD then forwarded the PAW letter to the General Election Commission (KPU) for processing.
The replacement was ratified in a plenary meeting after the PAW process was completed. As long as the PAW plenary meeting has not been held, Cinta Mega is still serving as a member of the DKI DPRD.
"So, even though it was PAW, as long as there has been no inauguration of new members, then Mrs. Cinta still gets her rights as a member of the council. The rules are like that," he explained.
Cinta Mega is subject to sanctions for interim replacement (PAW) from her position due to the excitement of playing games or slots during the plenary meeting of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. The dismissal of Cinta Mega from the position of a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD was decided at the DPD PDIP DPD DPD DKI Jakarta plenary meeting.
"Previously, I apologize for the behavior of my member named Cinta Mega. Whatever the game, it's wrong there. So there's nothing wrong with the slot, the game, it's wrong, it's the point," said DPD PDIP DPD chairman DKI Jakarta Adi Wijaya at the DPD PDIP DKI Jakarta office, Tuesday, July 25.
"Earlier we had a plenary meeting because everything we make is normal through this plenary meeting. After the plenary meeting we will impose sanctions in the form of PAW," continued Adi.
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