
BEKASI - Anti-terror Densus 88 arrested a suspected terrorist with the initials DE in the Harapan Jaya area, Bekasi, this afternoon. He is said to work as an employee of a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN).

"It's true (the arrest of the suspected terrorist, ed)," said Densus 88 spokesman Kombes Aswin Siregar when confirmed, Monday, August 14.

From the preliminary investigation, DE is said to be a supporter of ISIS. He actively conducts propaganda on social media.

"Giving motivation for jihad and calling for unity in the cause of jihad through Facebook," he said.

Head of Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas), Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, added that the suspected DE terrorist had sent a post in the form of a digital poster containing the text of renewal of allegiance in Arabic and Indonesian to the Islamic State leadership, namely Abu Al Husain Al Husain Al Quraysi, via Facebook.

"It is suspected that he has a homemade firearm in a post on his Facebook account in the form of a post on a gun-assembled weapon test on a plantation," said Ramadhan.

Apart from that, DE is also the admin and creator of several Telegram channels. Where, the content is about reporting on global terror.

"Admin and maker of several Telegram channels, Documentary Film Archives and Breaking News, which are global terror update channels translated into Indonesian," said Ramadhan.

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