
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said he needed to push for a hybrid work system to reduce air pollution in Greater Jakarta, which in the last week was in the very bad category.

"If needed, we must have the courage to encourage many offices to implement hybrid working, work from office, maybe work from home. I don't know later from the agreement at this closed meeting, whether (working hours) 7-5, 2-5, or the number that another," Jokowi said when starting a limited meeting on air pollution at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, August 14.

Jokowi said the air quality in Jabodetabek over the past week was very bad.

On Saturday, August 12, the air quality in DKI Jakarta was at 156 or in the unhealthy category.

According to Jokowi, the long dry season and the use of energy sources from coal are the factors causing the poor air quality in Jabodetabek.

"The long dry season for the past three months has led to an increase in high pollutant concentrations and emissions from transportation and industrial activities in Jabodetabek, especially those that use coal in the manufacturing industry sector," he said.

In the short term, he also ordered related ministries and non-ministerial government agencies (K/L) to intervene to improve air quality in Jabodetabek.

These interventions, Jokowi added, include weather engineering to attract rain in the Jabodetabek area and implementing regulations to accelerate the implementation of emission limits, especially in the Jabodetabek area.

Jokowi also ordered that green open spaces (RTH) be increased in the Jabodetabek area. He also requested that a budget for the provision of green open space be immediately prepared.

In the medium term, the government will consistently implement policies to reduce the use of fossil-based vehicles and switch to mass transportation. In the long term, climate change mitigation and adaptation actions need to be strengthened.

"Supervision must be carried out on the industrial and power generation sectors, especially around Jabodetabek and educate the widest possible public," said Jokowi.

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