
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir together with Mubaligh Miftah Maulana Habiburrahman or familiarly called Gus Miftah pray together. Both of them pray that the unity of the Indonesian nation will be maintained.

"After Friday prayers, we prayed with Gus Miftah from the At-Thohir Mosque, praying for the unity and ukhuwah of the Indonesian nation," said Erick in Cimanggis, Depok, West Java, Friday, August 11.

Both of them attended the At Thohir Mosque in the context of the General Studies with the theme 'Maintaining Unity with the Ukuwah of the Nation'. At that time there were thousands of At Thohir pilgrims.

Erick also expressed his gratitude to Gus Miftah for being willing to attend the mosque that was built to commemorate the late Muhammad Thohir.

"Suwun Gus, has taken the time to be present to share knowledge at our mosque. Bismillah, for Indonesia which is cool, peaceful, and optimistic," he said.

Meanwhile, in his lecture, Gus Miftah invited Indonesian citizens to be aware of those who are exploring radicalism. That is necessary because adherents of radicalism tend to dislike the harmony between religious believers and ethnic groups who are currently very developed in Indonesia.

Mubaligh and the head of the Ora Aji Islamic Boarding School in Sleman, Yogyakarta mentioned that there are five characteristics of radicals. The first characteristic of radicals, according to Gus Miftah, is not accepting kilafiyah or differences of opinion, views, or attitudes. This attitude sometimes arises in the problem of prayer procedures, such as prayer or qunut prayer.

"Even though the four imams of Mazhab: Hanafi, Maliki, Syafi'i and Hambali themselves are different. Please choose which priest to use. One of the imams emphasized that follow the priest where we are while worshiping," said Gus Miftah.

The characteristics of the two radicals, said Gus Miftah, are that they do not have a scientific basis. However, they often argue on behalf of the Koran and Hadith.

"For example, someone considers anyone who sings the song Padamu Negeri musrik. Even though the result of singing the song is love for the country, not worship?" he said.

According to Gus Miftah, the Prophet when he left Makkah, prayed while crying from the hill, "By Allah you are Makkah, is the land that I love the most. As soon as he arrived in Medina, he prayed, "O Allah, give me the city of Medina as I love the city of Makkah," said Gus Miftah.

The example of the Prophet Muhammad, said Gus Miftah, shows that the Prophet also loves his homeland very much. Because, in Makkah, the Prophet Muhammad was born, raised, grew, fought, and eventually died.

The characteristics of the three radicals, said Gus Miftah, are exclusive, and feel that the key to heaven he has, another group is wrong.

The fourth feature is anti-Pancasila. According to Gus Miftah, they said that Pancasila was a bid'ah, while Medina's love was worship only because they wanted to be with the Prophet.

The characteristic of the five radicals, according to Gus Miftah, is that they are hostile to people of different religions.

"In fact, the Prophet himself respects the body of a Christian. Because according to him, we are both God's creatures," he said.

Gus Miftah said, do not make the difference as a source of hostility. What must be maintained is that there should not be divisions.

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