
JAKARTA - The NasDem Party considered the meeting between the Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and the Chairman of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani as positive things. Both are considered just to stay in touch.

This was conveyed by the Secretary General of the NasDem Party, Hermawi Taslim, who responded to his second meeting today, Thursday night, August 10. Puan is known to have attended the launch of AHY's book.

"That's good. Gathering is a must for us. It's good," Hermawi told reporters at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 10.

In fact, Hermawi said that this meeting was actually better if it was not only done by Puan.

"The others too, ketum, that's good," he said.

Hermawi admitted that he was not worried about the AHY and Puan meeting. This is because the coalition that was built between NasDem and the Democratic Party and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) is based on trust.

"Therefore, usually, if there are meetings, of course we will contact each other. We, I and Riefky (Secretary General of Democrats) and the Democrats with PKS are normal, and they must, friendship must continue to be built," said Hermawi.

"So it's okay, it's a must. We can be different but gathering as a child of the nation is a must," he concluded.

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