PALU - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) proposed 2,569 prisoners get remission or a reduction in their sentence in the context of the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. "In addition, he said, 14 children were also proposed to get remission on Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. He said the inmates proposed to receive varying remissions ranging from general convicts, drugs, corruption including children. Ricky explained that of the proposed number, 14 of them would be immediately released after receiving a reduced sentence on Indonesian Independence Day, namely from Palu Prison three people, Lapas Luwuk five people, Lapas Parigi Moutong one person, prison female one person and Rutan Donggala four people. While the other prisoners proposed will get a reduced sentence of one month to six months.
He said the requirements for prisoners to be proposed for the first remission had already reached six months in prisons or detention centers, then the substance requirement did not violate or always behaved well. "Everything has met the administrative requirements in the form of a six-month criminal period, behaved well, did not undergo disciplinary law within the last six months," he said. He hopes that the prisoners proposed remission, especially those who will be free directly, will commit not to take actions that violate the law if they return to society.
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