
JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters (Mabes) pays attention to the case of a student stabbed by a student in Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan (Kalsel). Offenders with the status of children related to the law (ABH) will receive police assistance.

"The National Police Headquarters will provide psychological assistance to the perpetrators of the stabbing, the status of the perpetrators is temporarily as a child related to the law (ABH)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banjarmasin Police Commissioner Thomas Afrian in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Tuesday, August 8, as reported by Antara.

Thomas said that initially his party had written to the South Kalimantan Regional Police regarding the psychological assistance for ABH, but the National Police Headquarters paid attention by scheduling the arrival of the Psychology Bureau for the Human Resources Staff (SSDM) of the National Police Headquarters to Banjarmasin on Wednesday, August 9.

He revealed that the development of the ABH case that carried out the abuse was still at the investigation stage, and coordinated regularly with the South Kalimantan Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) for the Protection of Women and Children (PPA).

Furthermore, this coordination also involved the Class I Correctional Center (Bapas) of Banjarmasin and the local Social Service (Dinsos).

Thomas also asked the South Kalimantan UPTD PPA to work with a psychologist in the city of Banjarmasin to provide assistance to the ABH during the investigation process.

Meanwhile, the Banjarmasin Police are waiting for the psychological assistance process for ABH to be completed so that they schedule a "diversion" schedule or transfer of settlement of child cases from the criminal justice process to processes outside the court.

"We try diversion twice if the first attempt doesn't work," said Thomas.

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