
BOGOR Bogor City Police arrested five brawlers at several points in the jurisdiction of Bogor City. From the hands of the perpetrators, the police also confiscated evidence in the form of sharp weapons, liquor, motorized vehicles, to tools suspected of being used for brawls. Bogor City Police Chief, Police Commissioner Bismo Teguh Prakoso, directly led efforts to preventive public security and order disturbances (kamtibmas), until early Sunday morning. Starting from the regional road ring (R3) route East Bogor District, Bogor Ring Road Outer Intersection (BORR) Tanah Sareal District, and the Horse Sand area, West Bogor District. Succreted to be secured by five perpetrators along with sickles, small machetes, bamboo, wood, one pocket of ciu liquor, bags, and two-wheeled vehicles,'' said Bismo in his statement, Monday 7 August. Furthermore, he said, the perpetrators and evidence were secured at the Bogor City Police Headquarters. In this arrest, Bogor City Police officers were also assisted by the local community. Head of Criminal Investigation of Bogor City Police, Kompol Rizka Fadhila, said that in this activity the police carried out hunting of suspicious groups. With the target of sharp weapons, brawling efforts, and the alleged perpetrators of criminal acts. In Tanah Sareal District, said Rizka, the police arrested a brawler. As well as one sticker, one piece of bamboo, two bags.. The confiscated bag is a guitar bag and ring bag that the perpetrator wanted to attack, but was allegedly thwarted or chased by the surrounding community,' said Rizka. Meanwhile, in Margajaya Sub-District, West Bogor District the police thwarted the action of brawls and confiscated a number of evidences. Rizka said, Bogor City Police got four sickles, one machete, one stick, one stick, two bags...

"Four people who were arrested were found hiding in the bushes," he said. Not only that, the police also carried out raids on motorized vehicles targeting noisy exhausts, suspected of carrying illegal goods, and vehicles resulting from criminal acts.," Rizka explained.

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