
JAKARTA - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denounced "strengthening" practices, which were revealed in an audit of Ukrainian military recruitment centers and pledged to improve the system by placing people who understand the meaning of war.

President Zelensky expressed anger at the corruption found during last month's audit, after a major error incident was revealed at the Odesa Port in the Black Sea.

"We have had detailed talks," President Zelensky said in his evening video speech, after meeting with Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko and the head of the SBU security service Vasyl Maliuk.

"This investigation revealed many violations," said Vice President Zelensky.

"And they are frankly disgusting."

Investigations into recruitment offices are part of a long-term campaign to eradicate corruption, an important issue as Ukraine is aggressively campaigning to join NATO and the European Union.

President Zelensky said all findings from the investigation would be made public and would be prosecuted.

"The conclusion is clear: the recruitment system requires people who understand the value of protecting Ukraine," he said.

"Membership centers must be filled with people who have seen war, experience it," he added. "And those who, unfortunately, may have lost their limbs but have not lost their dignity and have not lost Ukraine. Let me thank them," he explained.

Meanwhile, the head of the military recruitment center in Odesa accused of corruption and embezzlement was ordered to be detained in pre-trial detention last month.

It is known, the official is accused of obtaining funds without an explanation equivalent to more than $5 million. Ukrainian media reports said his family had acquired property in Spain.

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