Bengkalis Police arrested S (46) a garden worker who allegedly burned 1.5 hectares of land at KM 09 Sebangar Village on Jalan Lintas Duri-Dumai Bathin Solapan, Bengkalis Regency, Riau.
"The garden bed was considered to have cleared land by burning. The police did not easily arrest S at his house in Sagulung, Batam City. The police had difficulty bringing the perpetrators because there was a rejection from the family," said Bengkalis Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Firman Fadila as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 2.
Initially there was a rejection from the suspect S's family regarding the arrest. But the team managed to bring the perpetrator from his house, then taken to the Bengkalis Police Headquarters.
The evidence that was secured from the location of the burned land was in the form of burnt wood and charred hamlets.
"Evidence of one piece of grass culvert is burned. Including two pieces of burnt wood," he said.
S was arrested starting from information from residents and the police went straight to the location to extinguish the fire. In addition, Bengkalis Police Satreskrim investigators also conducted an investigation of the scene of the incident against the land fire.
"The initial investigation was carried out by examining the surrounding witnesses and the owner of the land that was burned," said Firman.
Based on the investigation, investigators suspected that the land was deliberately burned by perpetrator S. When S was wanted by the police, he fled to Batam, Riau Islands.
However, based on the evidence and statements of the witnesses after all the complete evidence, the Criminal Investigation Unit investigators departed to arrest the perpetrator and S was arrested on Tuesday (1/8).
After being examined, he said S admitted his actions because he had cleared land for new plantations by burning.
"Suspect S as a worker working on the land was told to guard and clean the gardens. But the perpetrators actually burned the land and caused about 1.5 hectares to catch fire," said Firman.
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