
REJANG LEBONG - Rejang Lebong Resort Police (Polres) officers, Bengkulu, arrested one of three robbers (begal) of Mekaar Mekaar National Capital (PNM)Mekaar City, Lubuklinggau, South Sumatra that occurred in the area.

Padang Ulak Tanding (PUT) Police Chief Iptu Hengky Noprianto said the robbery suspect was Fe (28), a resident of Bukit Batu Village, Padang Ulak Tanding District, Rejang Lebong Regency.

"Suspect Fe and two of his colleagues are still being chased by officers who carried out robbery or robbery against their victims, residents from Lahat Regency, South Sumatra on July 20, 2023. We managed to arrest suspect Fe on Friday (28/7) night," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 31.

He explained that this robbery case was experienced by Novita Apriani, who is an employee of PNM Mekaar, Lubuklinggau City after collecting customer loan installments in Bukit Batu Village, PUT District with her partner by riding a Honda Beat motorcycle with plate BG 4087 ADK.

The two victims were then robbed by three perpetrators when they were about to return to their office in Lubuklinggau City at around 16.00 WIB. On the way home, the two victims were intercepted by three perpetrators and asked for the money they brought.

"When asking for money from the two victims, one of the perpetrators hit the victim Novita using coffee wood, causing the victim to fall down and the perpetrator managed to take Rp19,064,000 in cash," he explained.

The two victims, he said, then reported the incident they experienced to the Padang Ulak Tanding Police and after an investigation was carried out based on the characteristics of the perpetrators from the victim's statement on Friday (28/7) night the police managed to arrest one suspect.

Fe was secured by PUT Sector Police officers while crossing the public streets of Padang Ulak Tanding District. Officers were forced to take decisive action measured by shooting the right leg because when they were invited to show the hiding of the other two perpetrators, suspect Fe tried to escape and fight the officers.

For his actions, suspect Fe, he added, was charged by investigators under Article 365 of the Criminal Code regarding violent theft with a maximum penalty of 9 years in prison.

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