
BANGKALAN - Bangkalan Police, East Java, arrested at least 15 suspects in drug abuse cases in public disease operations that took place in the past week.

"The total amount of evidence we confiscated was 30.20 grams, with details of four suspects as dealers, and 11 other people being users," said Bangkalan Police Chief AKBP Febri Isman Jaya as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 31.

The 15 drug suspects were arrested from the results of the disclosure of 10 cases handled by the Bangkalan Police Narcotics Team.

"The success of officers in uncovering drug cases in Bangkalan shows that drug trafficking here is still rampant, and this must be the concern of all parties," he said.

The locations of the drug cases were spread in a number of areas, including one case in Socah District, three cases in Burneh District, one case in Kamal District, then one case in Arosbaya District and another case in Tanjungbumi District.

In addition to uncovering drug trafficking, the Bangkalan Police were also able to uncover a number of criminal cases, namely the theft of motorized vehicles with four suspects.

The suspects, continued AKBP Febri, were the perpetrators of motor vehicle theft at Perum Graha Mentari, in Kokop District, and in Tanah Merah District, with evidence of 1 unit of Honda Scoopy motorcycle and 2 units of Honda Beat motorcycles.

In addition to the theft case, the Bangkalan Police have also uncovered cases of theft with violence or theft.

"There are two cases with three suspects that we have revealed, namely in West Lantek Village, Galis District and Tanjungbumi District, with evidence of livestock stolen in a farmer's cage at night," said AKBP Febri.

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