JAKARTA - The Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej has finished being questioned in the investigation into the alleged receipt of gratuities. He spoke sparingly when he came out after the examination.
"I don't want to answer, he (the lawyer, ed) will do it later," Eddy told reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Jakarta, Friday, July 28.
He chose to immediately leave the KPK's Merah Putih Building. "No problem," said Eddy.
Meanwhile, Ricky Herbert Parulian Sitohan as Eddy's attorney said investigators clarified a number of findings. However, he did not elaborate further.
"I don't think there is a need to answer because it is the KPK's internal right to answer that," he said.
He also emphasized that there are no suspects in this case. His client, said Ricky, was only carrying out his duties to help investigators solve cases.
"The previous confirmation was confirmed again to just clear it. There are no substantial matters," he explained.
Previously, the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights was reported to the KPK by IPW for allegedly receiving gratuities of up to IDR 7 billion. This acceptance is suspected to be related to consultation and assistance with the legalization of a company's legal entity.
After being reported, Edward then went to the KPK to clarify. He even said this report leads to slander.
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