JAKARTA - The National Police Propam Division stated that Bripda IMS and Bripka IG had violated the code of ethics in the police shooting police case that killed Bripda Ignatius Dwi Frisco Sirage (IDF). The decision was based on the results of the case title.
"The results of the case title determined two suspected violators on behalf of Bripda IM and Bripka IG who violated the severe category code of ethics," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Friday, July 28.
The case title process is not only carried out by the Propam Division. However, it involves the Itwasum work unit (satker), the Legal Division (Divkum), human resources, the Bareskrim Supervision and Investigation Bureau (Wassidik), and Densus 88 Anti-terror.
All satkers agreed to declare the two of them violated the code of ethics in the severe category. Both were also sanctioned by the placement in a special place (patus).
"The special tax is carried out or special placement is in the cell room of the Special Autonomy Bureau of Provos DivPropam Polri," said Ramadhan.
Bripda IMS and Bripka IG are considered to have violated Article 13 paragraph 1 of the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 2003, Article 8 letter C, Article 10 paragraph 1 letter F, Article 10 paragraph 6 letters A and B perpol Number 7 of 2022.
On the other hand, Ramadhan emphasized that the National Police are committed to taking firm action against all members of the Bhayangkara Corps who violate the rules. That way, justice will be felt by the whole community.
"We convey that the National Police are committed to taking firm and objective action in this incident and currently in the criminal process as well as the Polri professional code of ethics process," said Ramadhan.
Bripda Ignatius Dwi Frisco Sirage was shot dead by his colleague. The incident occurred at the Police Rusu, Bogor, on Sunday, July 23
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